Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Muslim Taxi Driver is Waiting for Justice

Muslim Taxi Driver is Waiting for Justice

T.D.B. Gate Report (Taxi Driver Bashing Gate Report) 6

So the useless and anti-worker Coates did nothing for you in terms of workers compensation, prosecuting the offender, writing to the Workcover, organise taxi inspection and point out the total failure of network responsibilities, arrogant and anti worker attitude and practices of networks!

By the way, a few more taxi drivers were bashed and most of the incidents camera and safety equipment were at fault!! The network policies and practices were worse too.

Oh yes. Psychologists! Many taxi drivers were bashed and injured. I have not heard many were referred to Psychologists!! Why are they doing this to you? Are they trying to trap you into something? I just asked.

Could you also ask that Geoff about the failure of filling up the Workers Compensation Form by the bailor in question and who is going to pay for your ambulance and other bills?

Mon, 2/2/09, Sunny wrote:

From: Sunny
Subject: Re: Re: About Police Report
To: gjcoates2@...
Received: Monday, 2 February, 2009, 8:22 PM


Valdis told me, He will chase up the police and let me inform the progress. I will see him tomorrow then let you know the progress. do you have any suggestion for me?

Yours sincerely,


On Sun, Feb 1, 2009 at 3:56 PM, wrote:

Are you yet aware if Police have made charges against alleged attacker? Please advise and give me details of the charges. I may attend hearing.

Yours sincerely,

Geoff Coates

--- On Tue, 20/1/09, Sunny wrote:

From: Sunny
Subject: Re: About Police Report
To: gjcoates2@...
Received: Tuesday, 20 January, 2009, 12:38 AM

Dear Geoff Coates,

Valdis ask me to see with Joe any discussion in relation to Workers Comp.

He tried to contact Constable Dick at Chatswood Police on Thursday. He was there but at this stage has not rung him. and he will try again on Friday.

Valdis will be away next week and not back at work until 29 January 2009 but He told me to contact with through email if there are any problems.

today Tuesday I will see with Joe regarding Workers Comp. then I will let you Know the what happen.

Thanks for your help,


--- On Thu, 15/1/09, Sunny wrote:

From: Sunny
Subject: Fwd: Indecent at 300 High Street Chatswood
To: "Ted" , "Faruque"
Received: Thursday, 15 January, 2009, 2:19 PM

-----Inline Attachment Follows-----

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 1:28 PM
Subject: RE: Indecent at 300 High Street Chatswood
To: Sunny


The psychologist is all part of the process as your mental health is important. If you don't need him I'm O.K. with that.

Constable Dick is not on until 3pm today. I'll try and contact him today.

Workers Comp is an issue with Joey. I have to speak with Clare Moran of Cabsure in relation to your claim. She is not back until Monday.

Will keep you updated via email.


From: Sunny [mailto:gulzer7@...]
Sent: Thursday, 15 January 2009 1:22 PM
Subject: Indecent at 300 High Street Chatswood

Dear valdish,

how are you? this is Sunny.

What I want as a human being is Justice. I think I don't need to see with psychologist. I am concern about the Justice.

what about the progress of arresting him (Offender) and the workers Compensation?



T.D.B. Gate Report (Taxi Driver Bashing Gate Report) 6

(New information added at the bottom continuously)

--- On Sat, 10/1/09, Sunny wrote:

From: Sunny
Subject: Re: About Police Report
To: gjcoates2@...
Cc: "Ted" , "Annie" , "Faruque" , "Trevor"
Received: Saturday, 10 January, 2009, 4:52 AM

-----Inline Attachment Follows-----

Dear Geoff Coates,

Did you get the Police Report I sent last week. The Police Report last page says that "It is anticipated that the POI will be arrested after footage has been viewed."

From your meeting with TCS we know that there is footage after the M13 was pressed, but none before. But the Police know who the POI is and where he lives.

Would you please ask TCS to send the footage to the Police, explaining there is none before the M13, and asking the Police to arrest the POI as the Police report says. Or maybe you could write a letter to the police.

I meet with Veldish on Friday 9th January 2009.he has given some advises and asked me a copy of the police report. I am going to see him on Monday again with a police report. What you advise me?

Joe said don't need to talk with him about this matter. advised me to see with Veldish.

TCS did not send the footage to the police station yet. I requested him to send the footage ASAP.

Would you please let me know what should I do at this stage.

Thank you for your help,


T.D.B. Gate Report (Taxi Driver Bashing Gate Report) 5

Further to Unreserved Apology to Taxi Drivers and Immigrants and T.D.B. Gate Report (Taxi Driver Bashing Gate Report) 4, below, you are welcome to follow the event;

1. Time and Date: 7.30 pm, Friday, November 07, 2008

2. The offender: From 300 High Street near Short Street, Chatswood. It is a house and NOT a flat. It was an M1 job i.e. the taxi network must have his name and phone number(s).

3. Confrontation and reason of conflict: The passenger asked the driver to make an illegal u turn. The driver politely refused and said, "I have to move a bit more and make it safely". The passenger was aggressive and he said, "do I have to pay for this"? The passenger also said, "why the meter is $3.50? It should start from zero". The driver replied, "sir, the meter start from $3.15". The rudeness of the passenger went high. He charged the driver, "what the hell you Indians are here, it is my country, why don't you go back to India, ….". The passenger was unstoppable and abusing the driver continuously. The driver replied, "if you don't stop and do not allow me to drive properly, I can't take you to city and I have to drop you to your house. I won't charge you for that". The passenger said, "O.K". The driver dropped him near his house and did not charge any money. The passenger got out of the taxi and spat at the driver. Then he punched the driver a few times. The drive was injured and did not hit back.

4. Taxi Alarm: The driver activated the alarm but the M13 did not work. No one came to assist the driver. The injured driver asked help from his friends by his own mobile phone and they went to assist him

5. NSW Taxi Drivers Association: Taxi drivers contacted the NSW TDA Media Manager Faruque Ahmed and they have provided him information as the unfortunate event progressed on that night. In turn, Faruque alerted the media as information came to his hand.

6. Police: The police arrived at the scene after 50 minutes. The failed to show any interest to apprehend the offender, secure any evidence or crime scene i.e. blood soaked shirt, tie or any other items.

7. Ambulance: The Ambulance arrived 57 minutes later. They went on to wash the drivers face. The injured driver's friends asked them to take photo of the badly injured (visibly) driver. One ambulance worker went back to the ambulance and returned to say, "we don't have any camera". An argument developed. The police were not helpful at all during this episode! Assembled taxi drivers said, "we will go to report this to channel Nine first and then we will drive our friend to the hospital". At that time the injured driver could not see anything due to his swollen eye. However the police and ambulance staff virtually forced the driver to sign a piece of paper and they left the location for TCN 9.

8. TCN Nine: The 9 security guard was very helpful. The lady at the reception freaked out to see the badly injured driver and she did everything possible to comfort and assist the driver. She organized the media crews to interview drivers.

9. RNS Hospital: The drivers were confronted by three aggressive police officers at the hospital. One was holding a media briefing of Faruque Ahmed and screamed, "who is this Media Manger Faruque Ahmed? Why did he contact the media? Why are you talking to him and media? I am involved with the police union. Our union is the biggest union in this country and you can't win against us." The police visit at the hospital was to intimidate taxi drivers. They left the hospital with anger and without interviewing the injured driver. 10 minutes later two officers came back to hospital to take a statement from the injured driver. Assembled drivers asked a few valid questions to police officers but they refused to answer them.

10. Police Hijacking: During this commotion a taxi driver attempted to record this event in his mobile phone but the barking mad police officer ordered one of other officer to cease the phone from the taxi driver without his permission and checked the phone for possible recording of the conversation.

11. Police bully: The drivers said many good things including, "why are you so angry? The paper you are holding in your hand now got Mr. Faruque Ahmed's phone number. Why don't you ring him and direct your question to him?"

12. Perverting the Course of justice: The police asked the driver to see him seven or eight days later, so that he can take his photograph as evidence! Why not on the spot at the day of assault? Is it a perversion of course of justice?

13. Legal Point: Sunny does NOT have an Operator's accreditation and whatever is written in the so called contract between him and his bailor are not worth the paper it is written on. For details please refer Dave Musgrave vs Premier Taxi Network case.

14. Anti-Taxi Driver and Lying TCS: The drivers went to TCS and they were told by the TCS staff, "we have not received any alarm". When drivers asked them to down load the pictures, they were told, "we need police permission". The drivers presented the police business card to the TCS staff and requested them to contact those officers for further assistance. However, at one stage they were told, "there are no pictures, everything is blank". The injured driver questioned a female TCS staff for their failure to contact him during this episode. She replied, "we don't have your up to date phone number". The driver replied with frustration, "six weeks ago the police took my phone number from the TCS network to investigate a stolen card used in my taxi and now you are telling me you don't have my real phone number!"

15. Chatswood Police Station: The injured taxi driver rang Chatswood police station several times to follow up police instructions given to him earlier. Chatswood police knew the incident but they could not provide him any assistance. The driver left his mobile number and requested police officer Dick of that station to contact him. Dick or no one contacted him.

16. Enemy of Taxi Drivers: No one from the TCS contacted the driver. From Jeff's confession, "98% taxi drivers reject" the so called TCS counseling" because `Dracula can't and should not be in-charge of blood bank' in the first place.

17. The TCS Cover Ups: From Jeff's report it is very clear that the taxi camera and sound system was not working at that time and date, the TCS staff did not call the police or ambulance, the radio room failed to broadcast any message to other taxis (contrary to previous TCS lies) and taxi drivers’ welfare does not exist in their culture.

18. The NSW TDA Responsibility: As we agreed earlier, we must write to the NSW WorkCover, NSW Police Commissioner, NSW Ministry of Transport, NSW Ambulance, Unions (Labor) NSW and other bodies without any delay.

19. Frustration of the Victim: I have received a frustrated SMS from Sunny and he has every right to express himself due to monumental idiocy of Jeff.

20. Mafia Protection Law: Why, under the law, the taxi networks/companies/taxi council pty ltd are NOT responsible for their actions and inactions in regards to bailee taxi drivers, passengers etc. etc.?

21. Law Reform: Why the NSW TDA Committee was less willing to accept my suggestions i.e. write to the authorities and requesting them to remove any anomalies under the Duty of Care provision of the NSW Occupational Health and Safety Act due to bailor and bailee relationship?

22. The Taxi Mafia Love: According to the aggrieved driver, the TCS asked (or ordered) him to attend their office sometime this week.

23. Workers Compensation Claim: No one filled up any Workers Compensation Claim! Why the hell a simple custom of filling up a W.C.C. form does not exist in the taxi industry culture?

24. Confusing "Taxi": One of the taxi mafia mouthpiece namely Taxi have printed many untrue and confusing information to mislead taxi drives, owners and public. In short the whole episode was designed to defraud authorities, legitimize illegal acts and pass the bucks to bailee drivers.

Faruque Ahmed

Media Manager

Mobile: 041 091 4118, Email: union_faruque@..., Friday, November 28, 2008

Let it be known

Further to Unreserved Apology to Taxi Divers and Immigrants and T.D.B. Gate Report (Taxi Driver Bashing Gate Report) 4, I have to make it clear that I am going to act against racism, anti-taxi driver mentality and mechanisms.

I said earlier and the famous Media Watch of ABC has proven the case against Channel Seven Network beyond reasonable doubt. Yet, I cannot get any reason behind a consistent non-co-operation from some of the TDA executive committee members. Now I have to ask these questions officially;

1. Doses the NSW TDA endorse racism and anti-Taxi Driver activities like the Channel Seven Network story in question and

2. Doses the NSW TDA endorse all of the anti-Taxi Driver policies and instruments evident in T.D.B. Gate Report (Taxi Driver Bashing Gate Report) 4?

3. Why some of the NSW TDA Executives are reluctant to act for the taxi drivers' interest?

4. Why some of the NSW TDA Executives are reluctant to stand up against racism and other anti-taxi driver activities?

--- On Fri, 28/11/08, Ted Hirsch wrote:

From: Ted Hirsch
Subject: Re: Driver Bashing Chatswood 7-11-08
To: gjcoates2@...
Cc: "Faruque" ,

Received: Friday, 28 November, 2008, 2:36 PM


Only three Committee members including you and your mate Trevor could have been present.

Abusive remarks are self evidently not a sacking offence.

Deliberately divisive lies about other Committee members by you and Trevor Bradley may well be.



2008/11/28 <gjcoates2@...>


At Committee Meeting yesterday, I was of opinion you listened to all Committee Members present, who unanimously criticised you on your remarks regards my report.

This obviously not so, you posted again at 11:30 pm last night.

As President, you have given me reason to ask the Committee to consider your position on the Committee.

Yours sincerely,

Geoff Coates



PO Box 322, Alexandria NSW 2015

'A Fair Share of a Fair Fare'

President: Geoff Coates Secretary: Ted Hirsch

Mobile: 0431 585 944 Phone: 02 9526 1629 Phone: 02 9810 1136 Mobile: 0432 665 822

Taxi Driver Bashed at Chatswood

At about 8.00 p.m., Friday, November 07, 2008, a Silver Service taxi driver went to pick up a radio booking job from 300 High Street near Short Street, Chatswood. The passenger asked the driver to make an illegal U Turn and following that an argument developed and the passenger severely bashed the Taxi Driver. He was driving T 5067 (Taxis Combined Services network).

The driver activated the M13 button and the alarm did not work. The driver failed to get any assistance from the taxi network. Passing taxi drivers called the police and ambulance. After 45 minutes of waiting they contacted the NSW TDA Media Manager and drove the driver to the hospital. Mr. Faruque Ahmed of the NSW TDA alerted the media concerning this serious assault. Three police officers went to the hospital and questioned taxi drivers present there for contacting the NSW Taxi Drivers Association and media. Eventually the staff of the Royal North Shore Hospital asked the police to leave the premises so that they could treat the injured driver.

Sydney Taxi drivers are asking the following questions:

1. Why the M13 button (safety alarm system) failed to work?

2. Why the TCS taxi Network has failed to provide assistance to the injured taxi driver?

3. Why the NSW police and ambulance failed to attend the taxi driver in question?

4. Why the police questioned taxi drivers at the hospital?

5. Why it has been so difficult to obtain the driver's details from authorities so urgent help could be provided to him and his family?

Faruque Ahmed

Media Manager, Mobile: 041 091 4118

Email: union_faruque@..., Saturday, November 08, 2008