Faruque Ahmed vs Radio 2GB/Macquarie Radio Network
This case is virtually over. All parties made their respectivesubmissions. Now we are waiting for Judges Deliberations. Strictlyspeaking, there are some differences between sub-judice and fairreporting. In Australia, you are welcome to report a proceeding,until and unless specified by the judge not to report or publish anymaterials that may be prejudicial to any party or any other reasons.If you recall, I have reported a well-known (although funny)terrorist case here in Australia.
The judge lifted the non- disclosure /non-reporting condition.
This case is virtually over. All parties made their respectivesubmissions. Now we are waiting for Judges Deliberations. Strictlyspeaking, there are some differences between sub-judice and fairreporting. In Australia, you are welcome to report a proceeding,until and unless specified by the judge not to report or publish anymaterials that may be prejudicial to any party or any other reasons.If you recall, I have reported a well-known (although funny)terrorist case here in Australia.
The judge lifted the non- disclosure /non-reporting condition.
For an example, the 2GB legal team demanded million dollar (LOL)court cost from me. They may be entitled to demand such a payment ifthey win the case and if the judge or judges allow them to make sucha claim. But in this instance, after my semi-final legal submission,the 2GB legal team backed down from making such a claim. Thereforeone can report that part of the proceedings and outcome.
I trust, I got more chances to win the case even though the law wasconstructed badly and subject to many criticisms. Right now virtually the whole nation debating this issue. This is the biggest win for a `public advocate' like me.
Subject: Re: [freeamericanow] Re: Faruque Ahmed vs Radio2GB/Macquarie Radio Network
OK then. Both of you carry on.
Let us hear some real debate and please try to omit the Zio-nazis andislamo-fascists. Both of you have succeeded in enriching englishlanguage with these 2 phrases.
Watching with curiosity as how the dice rolls,
brucesim1950 wrote:
The laws pertaing to matters of sub judice are the same Chief thankagain to the British. But general discussion is OK and as theincident is not before a court yet it does not apply and therestriction does not include the internet as it came into being manyyears after the law.
The below exchange makes interesting reading. I will refrain from itat this moment as I have asked a couple of friends in Sydney to checkit out.
Only one question from both of you. To me it looks like that thematter is sub-judice and FAN is a public forum. In India, sub-judicematter is not permitted to be discussed in public forums resulting intrial by public. Is it the same in Australia or not?
Subject: Re: Faruque Ahmed vs Radio 2GB/Macquarie Radio Network
Bruce,You are a very little person. Your Zio_Nazi Singleton does not wishto bite my leg. Yet, you want to bite my leg! You must be the most peculiar person!
Subject: Re: Faruque Ahmed vs Radio 2GB/Macquarie Radio Network
I do not wish to waste my time with a rabid idiot like knucklehead. Iwould agree with 2GB and seek you to cover legal costs for bringingsuch a frivolous action. Hope you have plenty of money.
Subject: Re: Faruque Ahmed vs Radio 2GB/Macquarie Radio Network
I do not wish to waste my time with a rabid idiot like Bruce. You maybe interested to know the fact that that the 2GB legal team wantedmillion dollars legal costs from me if I loose the case! During mydeliberation I added plenty and appears I got no reason to loose thecase. However, because of points "13" and "14" below the "wise andexpensive legal team" (LOL) did not have the guts to ask for anycosts!!Please also note, because of Radio 2GB and Murdochian Evil Empire'sconstant inciting we had race disturbances in Sydney.
Subject: Re: Faruque Ahmed vs Radio 2GB/Macquarie Radio Network
My comments below were assisted by a friend in Sydney. I don't think2GB have anything to worry about. There is a law in Australiaregarding vexatious litigation.
Source: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/freeamericanow/message/28193
Source: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/freeamericanow/message/28193